The bounce rate of your website identifies how many users leave right away without exploring other pages or engaging with the content you have. They bounce.
If you’re looking for ways you can honor Martin Luther King, Jr. Day in Denver, we highly encourage you to get out of the office for a while and engage in your community.
To spark interest in winter tourism in Denver, a digital marketing strategy could showcase exciting indoor activities, unique restaurants and nightspots that are enjoyable even when it’s cold!
Consumers have a higher expectation than ever and the experience they have with a brand is the tell-all for future shopping. In fact, seventy-eight percent of millennials make mention that a brand must work harder to gain loyalty than it did in their parents’ day.
It’s hard to not take negative feedback personally. However, it’s important to separate your personal feelings with the matter at hand.
Social media marketing in the manufacturing industry is all about educating B2B customers, offering customer support, building relationships and obtaining feedback for the future.
As we all know here in Colorado, the cannabis industry is one of the quickest growing industries in the United States. Whether that’s a good or bad thing is completely subjective. However, observing the industry from a digital marketing standpoint is quite interesting as it’s vastly different than o
Social media marketing for small business isn’t as easy is it sounds. The amount of strategy that goes into a social marketing plan is so overlooked that its professional value is often misconstrued.
Good content builds trust with your customers through a consistent brand story. This means your web, social media and face-to-face presence needs to be uniform. Inconsistencies among platforms invites distrust and is certainly considered bad content.
As marketing and SEO experts in Denver, we’re driven by success on the daily! We’re constantly striving for higher search rankings, increased audience engagement and faster site speeds. It’s simply a part of our business. With that, we strongly believe in making goals or resolutions for our business